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​​Washington State Healthcare Executives Forum Annual Meeting and Keynote Address​​​

Click here to see the agenda.​

Culture: The Force Behind Strategy
Session Description:

If "culture eats strategy for lunch, 7 days a week," then culture must become strategy #1.  This is not often the case today.​

Our preoccupation with strategies, activities and metrics often trumps our culture and behavior.  This preoccupation is a major cause of our current challenges.  We have all become driven to distraction with initiative overload.  This current state is unsustainable as the crush of daily activities takes us further and further away from focusing on our patients.​

ACHE Breakfast Registration
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Session Objectives:
In this session you will:

  1. Define your culture based on, "What matters most to patients."
  2. Recognize that culture change begins with leadership behavior change  (i.e. physicians, nurses and executives)
  3. Change your culture by doing less of one thing NOT more of everything

University of Washington MHA Capstone Projects: In Spring 2015, a team of established executives, skilled academics, and MHA graduate students spearheaded the examination of 15 local health services initiatives. The purpose was to use evidence-based approaches to leverage opportunities, mitigate threats, and boost innovation. We invite you to review and comment on our findings. Posters and executive summaries will be displayed from 7:30 – 9:00 a.m. during the Washington State Health Executives' Annual Meeting on October 14, 2016.  Please direct further questions to Suzanne Wood, PHD, MS, FACHE, UW Faculty​
